attachment n. 1.附着,附着物;附属物,附件。 2.爱慕,依恋;依附 (for; to)。 3.【法律】逮捕;扣押(人,财产)。 4.扣押证。 attachments to a sewing machine 缝纫机的附件。 form a profound attachment for sb. 对某人大为倾倒。
Ther e are two ways to the attachments of debts : the creditor ' s rights of subrogation and abandonment 债的保全,其方法有二:债权人的代位权和债权人的撤销权。
The attachment of debts , a major policy in civil law and the key contents in debts act . plays an important role in the protection of the creditor ' s rights and is thus called the external effect of debts 债的保全,是民事法律中的一项重要制度,也是债法的重要内容,对于债权的保障具有重要作用,也称作债的对外效力。
The establishment of system of the attachments of debts , together with the system of the guarantee of debts and the system of the responsibility of breaking an engagement , has formed a stable triangle to protect the creditor ' s rights 债的保全制度在我国的确立,使其与债的担保制度及违约责任制度一起,共同构成了保护债权人债权的稳固的三角架。
The attachments of debts are what the system of the right of subrogation is mainly for . this essay inquires into some basic theories and practical problems about the essence of the right of subrogation , its character , the prerequisite of its existence and its exercise 本文主要围绕代位权的本质、代位权的性质与特点、代位权的成立要件、以及代位权的行使五个大方面的基本理论与实践问题加以探讨。
The main purpose of the attachment of debts is to seize the property of the debtors according to certain procedures and methods in case some illegal accidents which will damage the creditor ' s rights happen . it will increase the debtor ' s financial capacity of paying the debts 债的保全法律制度的基本内容,是使债权人依据一定的程序或方法,保全债务入的财产,防止其不当处分而损害债权,以增加债务入履行债务的财产保障。